Nice to Eat You
Heated up and full of appetite for new challenges, these five musicians are anything but conventional on their way to conquering the stage.
An extravagant, almost classical violin in a thunderstorm of hard metal, melodics and stylish alternative elements leads to an exciting fusion.
Call it baroque metal or classical metalcore, much more relevant than the genre label is the arrangement.
Music fans, plagued by the mainstream can, without hesitation, look forward to unexpected experiments from the kitchen of “Nice To Eat You”
What People are Saying

“These talented musicians portray colossal creativity. ”

“Symphonic Modern Metalcore”

“NTEY nailed the aesthetic.”

“Long story short, New Age of Violation is a Masterpiece”
18.05.2018 Das O Spiez
02.06.2018 BS29 Ostermundigen
18.02.2017 RusticoPub Frutigen
18.03.2017 Improvisorium Huttwil
25.03.2017 Wöschmaschiene Langnau i.E
26.04.2017 Cafete Bern
23.06.2017 Kupferschmiede Langnau (Album Releaseshow )
12.08.2017 Open Air Mannried
02.12.2017 Metalmarmot-festival Hotel Simplon
26.12.2017 Turn Up To 11- Festival Langnau i.E
13.02.2016 Graffity Bern
16.04.2016 Sackfabrick Burgdorf
20.03.2015 Kupferschmiede Langnau
15.05.2015 Jägermeisterbus (Camping Greenfield)
15.08.2015 Freizeithaus Worb
05.09.2015 Schützenhaus Sumiswald
10.10.2015 Freizeithaus Worb
Get in Touch
Don’t be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!